Pantone wants $15/month for the privilege of using its colors in Photoshop
Here we go again. From now on if you want to use Pantone colours in Adobe Creative Cloud, you’ll have to pay $15 a month. That’s in addition to the subscription you’re already paying for Photoshop/Creative Cloud itself, given that you can no longer outright buy it. It seems that slowly but surely everything is moving to a subscription model that denies the end user proper ownership over what they purchased. This highlights the importance of free and open source software, so that companies cannot lock our access to what we already bought behind a paywall. If we keep going down the closed source, locked down device model what’s next?
“You’ve already opened Chrome 30 times this month. Click here to subscribe to our Web Browser Ultimate Plan which will let you open your browser as many times as you like. Just $19.99 a month, reduced to $14.99 today!”
It sounds ridiculous now but give it 10 years and I wouldn’t be at all surprised